Examining biographies in the light of their historical context is my primary focus as an artist. I work to bring to light the forgotten or overlooked (hi)stories of women,* in particular, as well as of other marginalized and persecuted members of society.
What is told and what is not, and who decides the matter? What purpose does this serve in contemporary life? I set out in search of telling fragments, gaps, contradictions and conflicts. And I especially delight in imperfection and the potential of flaws, and in how “outsider” perspectives disrupt established narratives.
In experimenting and playing with biographical sources I take artistic leeway. I weave omitted or fictive strands into a (hi)story, to propel it into the future. I choose this approach because it enables me to understand historical entanglements and the effects they continue to have today. My intention in reframing the past is to make room for (hi)stories in the present.
(*also known as herstories)